Give your scalp the love and nutrients it deserves!

Opulent Hair 101: Healthy Hair Habits

Hey Opulent Fam! It's a new year so you know what that means... It's time to build better habits to help you achieve your new years hair goals! Here are 6 tips to help you stay on track all year long!

1.  Clean Hair tools

Many of us tend to use combs and brushes daily. Just like our clothes or bodies, our hair tools need to be cleaned as well to keep our hair clean and healthy. Cleaning your tools helps remove dirt, bacteria, dead skin, fungi etc. 


2. Always focus on scalp health 

Washing and scrubbing your scalp every week helps to remove buildup of products, flakes, fungi, and yeast. Incorporating hot oil treatments into your wash day routine while also massaging your scalp regularly helps increases your blood circulation and in turn promotes hair growth. Our Oil For Your Turmoil - Growth Serum is prefect for hot oil treatments and promoting hair growth!

3. Deep condition every wash day!

 Make sure you are deep conditioning WEEKLY! This allows you to add moisture back in your hair that was lost from the week before. Our Hit The Brakes On The Break - Strengthening Collection is perfect for healing, strengthening, and moisturizing your hair to prevent breakage and damage.


4. Sleep on Satin

 Sleeping with satin allows your hair to last longer with less tangles, single strand knots, and breakage done to your hair. This can improve the overall health of your hair and promote hair growth. Our Opulent Sleep Set is perfect for maintaining your styles while you get the beauty sleep you deserve!

5. Incorporate herbal hair teas

 There are several herbs that are scientifically proven to stimulate blood flow of the scalp, replenishes nutrients, vitamins and minerals to hair follicles and strengthens the hair shaft. 

SereniTEA Benefits:

Aids in hair manageability by restoring balance, luster and moisture to your hair, making detangling much easy and shedding much minimal. Also reduces dandruff , restores hairs to healthy ph, and cleanses the hair and scalp.

ProTEAn Benefits:

Aids in hair growth, follicle stimulation & scalp rejuvenation by increasing collagen production and circulation in hair follicles and thwarts inflammation.

6. Low manipulative/tension hair styles

 Styling your hair too often can cause a lot of unwanted tension, which results in breakage and tangles. Styling your hair 1-2 times a week into low manipulation styles helps combat this issue resulting in more hair growth.


Now that you have the best tips to achieve optimal hair growth don't forget to share your pics with us!

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