Give your scalp the love and nutrients it deserves!

Hair Care Tips For Busy Moms

Mom's, we know life can get pretty busy when you have a little one running around. To save you time and sanity, here are some game changing hair care tips that will help keep your hair Opulent!

Have A Wash Day Schedule

We all know wash day can be stressful, especially if you are washing your hair plus 1 or 2 others, but sticking to a schedule could help. Pick a specific day of the week, preferably a day you are the least busiest, and STICK TO IT.  This will allow you to get it over and done with and spend your time worrying about more important things.

Wear Styles That Are Low Maintenance

 Working and also being a full time mom is not an easy job. It can be tiresome and time consuming at times. To save yourself a little extra time with your hair try styles that have longevity. Some examples are flat twists, braids, cornrows, etc. These styles can last for about 2-3 weeks depending on how well you take care of them. Then after they get frizzy, you can take it down and wear your natural hair out for another week. Our Groovy Hair Smoothie Styling Cream is great for achieving these styles and locking moisture in your hair!

Keep Your Scalp Moisturized

 For most mom's during the week things can get pretty busy. With what you and your kids have going on sometimes we can neglect our hair and scalp. This is a big mistake if you are trying to make your life easier. No matter how nice your style looks, if your scalp is dirty and dry you will tell. Take the time to properly moisturize and nourish your scalp throughout the week. Our Oil For Your Turmoil Growth Serum is perfect for adding moisture back to your scalp while also promoting hair growth.

Try More Protective Styles

When all else fails try a protective style such as box braids, butterfly locs, passion twists, etc. This is by far the biggest time saver there is. Most of the time you can wake up and go and save yourself at least 15 minutes that you would have spent styling your hair. That extra 15 minutes can be used for work or getting your little ones ready for the day. The only thing we ask is PLEASE don't forget about your scalp! Our Heavenly Refresher Hydration Mist is prefect for adding moisture and nourishing your scalp while wearing a protective style.


Now that you know how to optimize your time when it comes to your hair, go spend a little extra time with your little ones.😁

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