Cute and Convenient Fall Hairstyles

Fall is right around the corner and you know what that means. It's time for new hairstyles! Whether it's bantu knots, flexi rod sets, you name it our Styling Cream has you covered! Below are a few cute styles you can achieve to keep your hair poppin all Fall long!
Bantu Knots

Bantu Knots have become pretty popular over the last few years.This style is great because it can be used as a protective style when they are in and once you take them out you are left with nice fluffy and soft curls. To achieve this look, part your hair into small sections, apply leave-in and styling cream, then twist/coil your hair. Next wrap it around in a knot and secure with a bobby pin if needed.
Twist Out
Twists out are one of the easiest styles you can do. They can be chunky or small, it’s really up to you, but the results differ. The bigger your twists the bigger and less defined your hair will be so keep that in mind. To twist your hair, part it into multiple sections. Next split one section in half, apply leave-in and styling cream, then twist! It’s that simple!
Finger Coils
Looking for a super defined wash and go look? Finger coils is definitely the way to go and it’s as easy as it sounds. To achieve this look you basically follow the same steps as a wash and go. Section your hair off into smaller parts so it’s easier to work with, apply leave-in and styling cream, then coil. If you aren’t sure what coiling is all you do is wrap small pieces of hair around your finger to make the shape of a curl. And there you have it nice defined soft curls without all the drama.