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Beard Care For The Typical Gym Rat

Fella's this one is for you! We love a guy who stays in the gym and works on himself, but are you grooming yourself properly afterwards? Many men want a nice long thick beard, but aren't taking the proper measurements needed to achieve it. Like a wise woman once said, "beauty takes time and effort" and we're here to help make it a little easier. Below are a few tips that will have your beard thick and moisturized all summer long!

Beard Care After the Gym

After a long sweaty workout, just like your hair, your beard needs to be washed properly. You should use a sulfate free shampoo like our No Tress-Passing- Cleansing Shampoo. This will gently clean your beard without stripping it and making it dry. This will allow you beard to stay fresh and moisturized for longer.

Next you should follow up with a mask such as our Whisker Elixir- Clay Conditioning Cleanser. This will allow you to condition your beard, draw impurities from the skin, fight acne, eczema, and ingrowns. This will also allow you to gently detangle your beard and save you from loosing any hair. Remember we want your beard to be THICK! THICK THICK THICK THICK THICK THICK!

Finally after you shampoo and condition you should follow up with an oil. Our Whisker Elixir- Beard Oil is perfect for sealing in moisture and adding shine to your beard. It's infused with oils that nourish and stimulate hair follicles to promote healthy beard growth, which will help get rid of that "patchy beard" many people seem to hate.

Daily Beard Care Routine

If you are the typical gym rat then you should wash and condition your beard everyday. Especially since most people are wearing masks at the gym now, which causes extra sweat. We know most of you are busy, so if you skip out on the conditioning once or twice it won't hurt, but please for the love of your beards do it at least TWICE a week. Also, don't forget to follow up with an oil. This will keep your beard shinning and eyes watching...WE PROMISE! 

If you need more beard tips check out our "How to Care for Your Beard" Blog

1 comment

  • Hi
    Can I take samples to try please


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